Friday 1 October 2010


Now that I'm single, my whole life has become all about possibilities. I don't just have to stay in of an evening, I could go out and do something exciting, where - who knows! - I could meet Mr Right. To prepare myself for this meeting, which could happen at any point, I'm now really aware of my appearance. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not vain, but it definately helps boost my confidence when I know that I'm looking good. I won't go as far as not leaving the house without make-up or if a single strand of hair is out of place, but wearing nice (clean) clothes is certainly a start!

I was a woman on a mission yesterday as I trawled through the local shopping centre in search of a new wardrobe. I loved the thought that I don't have anyone at home who's going to tell me off for spending too much money, or I'm going to have to hide purchases from. The only guilt trip I had was the little voice at the back of my head telling me I already have a top very like that, but that's easily ignored!

I spent time trying out the new bits and pieces of make-up I bought and was feeling all 'new' when I went for a drink with my best friend last night. She'd had a bad day and we found ourselves plowing through bottles of wine whilst she tried to flirt with the group of guys at the table next to us. I lost track of how much we drank, but I was so proud of myself as I realised again how far I've moved on with my life. The temptation to drunk text the ex didn't even cross my mind and it was reassuring to know that I wasn't wrong the other day when I realised that I don't love him anymore.

I don't remember leaving the pub, or saying goodbye to my friend, but I do remember falling over and grazing the whole left hand side of my face on the concrete pavement. I don't remember getting home from there, but I do remember being found on my front doorstep by my mum and younger brother, covered in blood. I can certainly say that I have never done that before! I don't intend on drinking that much alcohol again (although, I'm definately not certain about it!) and am gutted that I've ruined one of my favourite tops. Apologies have to go to my family who were needless to say, pretty shocked by my appearance!

There's no point in me spending time trying to look good if I'm going to end the night covered in blood. Not a very attractive look, I must say! Despite the downfall of last night, I did have a brilliant time. Life after love is fun, flirty and full of lots of new experiences. I wouldn't change it for the world!


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