Friday 24 December 2010

Too soon?

Sometimes I wonder if I should feel more guilty about having moved on with my life so quickly. I mean, 7 months ago, I was prepared to spend the rest of my life with the same person. I would have done anything for them and wouldn't even be able to comprehend the idea of being with anyone else. Now, I'm at the opposite end of the scale where I couldn't possibly imagine being with that same person again!

When I speak to relatives or friends I haven't seen in a while, they always ask how I am in that tone that implies 'we know how crap you are feeling, but we are just being polite in asking'. They always sound slightly surprised when I say in a cheerful voice how fine I am and that life couldn't be better at the moment. I know they are happy for me, but it always seems to be a shock to them that I've picked myself up and pieced my life back together already.

I went for a coffee with the ex's mum yesterday. I used to find her a bit overbearing when we were together, but now I don't see her on a daily basis and aren't stuck in the middle of any family arguments, we get on really well. I even miss her sometimes! I mentioned about the new guy and she was really pleased for me. I don't know how I expected her to take it, but on some level I think I expected her to be shocked that I still wasn't heartbroken over her son. Well that certainly wasn't the case!

I sometimes feel that I didn't love the ex enough if I've moved on so quickly, but I know that's not true. I suppose to know that he hasn't hung around moping over me has helped quite a bit! Either way, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, I've got my own way of working out my life after love.

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