Monday 1 November 2010


'It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possesion of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.'

I used to look on this as my favourite quote from my favourite book (Pride & Prejudice, if you were a little lost) but I seem to have taken it a little bit too much to heart as I disembarked on my most recent adventure. Where better to find a rich man, than at bingo?!...Oh, how wrong I was!

Some people had taken great pleasure in advising me of the amount of elderly patrons I was to encounter on my latest trip, but I was fortunately graced with an even mix of ages as we stepped into the bingo hall. I've never been before (I hold my hands up to playing a couple of games online, but as it turns out, I wasn't playing proper bingo at all!) and was surprised to see a mixture of the blue-rinse brigade ranging through to the early 20s - excluding myself and my friends of course.

I had absolutely no idea what I was doing and giggled like a pubescent school child throughtout most of the games. Did I win? Well, I am delighted to announce that I won't be giving up my day job anytime soon, despite my amazing win of £1.67! I'd like to call it sod's law that despite the ONE line that I get, 3 other people also call out 'Wahey!' on. 'Just my luck' doesn't really describe it!! Did I get a single bean during the line that could have won my £1,000? No, I've realised that my luck is best saved for the games where £5 is at stake...

A special thanks has to go out to two of my best friends that went with me tonight, as without their incredibly bad losing streak, my amazing £1.67 win wouldn't really count as anything! I dutifully bought them a round of drinks in the pub afterwards, but I somehow feel that they didn't truely appreciate the debt that I'd paid to them, particularly as one drink of blackcurrant cider (yes, it's every bit as bad as it sounds) went untouched.

Life after love is all about saying 'yes' to things you never really thought you would do. I used to laugh at my ex's group of 'girl'-friends who went to bingo on a montly basis. Honestly! Who does that at our age?! It was kind of sad seeing the little old ladies perched on the edge of their seats, right at the front of the room, but it made me feel positive about my life. If all else goes wrong, I've always got Bingo - and believe me, if I win as many times as they did, I won't be very upset!

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