Wednesday 8 September 2010

Where next?

So I've started ticking off the list of 'break up essentials' that every woman must go through. My hair which once hung nearly half way down my back is now just below my shoulders. Add in a few lowlights and voila! That's one dramatic haircut.

I also had a bizarre moment as I found myself confirming online payment for a treadmill. Exercise? Me? Anyone who knows me will confirm that I'm not usually the most enthusiastic of people when it comes to exercise. But I have piled on a few too many pounds since I've been in the 'happy' relationship, so it's time to do something about it. I am a little concerned however as instead of turning into the chic temptress I'm aiming for, I turn into a red faced, crazy haired mad woman. Definately not the attractive picture I had in mind!

Making friends with my local bar staff has been perhaps my favourite 'tick' so far. I don't even want to think about how many bottles of wine I've consumed since 'that day'. However much I drink, my problems don't go away, but I can safely say that it makes me feel much better about them! Besides, there's nothing like a girly chat and oggle at the very attractive barman when you start to feel low.

Lastly, there was the speed dating. Most people rebound, I however, do it in style! I paid £20 for the privilege of spending an evening with some of the counties moderately attractive guys ranging down to the slightly strange. Some of the oddest of the bunch were possible the more interesting personality wise. But, however much some people strenuously deny this fact - you have to find someone remotely attractive before you can date them. So in order to salvage some kind of worth for my money, I got horribly drunk and flirted unashamedly with men I did not find attractive. Lets just call it a practice run for the real thing!

I've been looking at evening courses - dance classes, yoga, pilates, cookery lessons, psychology lessons. There's so much I want to do now that I don't have to put someone else first in my life. Finally, it's all about me and what I want to do. I feel like a kid who's normally banned from having sugar, being let loose in a sweet shop! What do I go for? Can I have everything??!

It starts with the simple things (like going to the pub when I want to go), but who knows where it ends? Life after love is looking like it could be full of fun....

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