Friday 24 September 2010

The soundtrack to my life

I'm going through a phase of trying to relate song lyrics to my life. I know it's stupid and I'm still yet to find a song that fits my life exactly, but I still do it. 'Keep on Moving' Five, 'Bright Lights' Matchbox 20, 'Love The Way You Lie' Eminem & Rihanna, 'Behind Hazel Eyes' Kelly Clarkson - I'm there, desperately twisting their stories to fit my own. Even if most of the song doesn't fit the way I feel, there's always one line, one powerful poetic line that hammers home.

I often wonder that if I were to make a playlist to summarise my life now, what would be on it. Would it be all doom and gloom - 'turn yourself around and come on home' or more 'I'm better off on my own'. I would definately have to go with the latter, but there's always those relapse moments where I stop and wonder. If I played him my CD, would he realise what he's done, what I'm going through and take me back?!

I suppose my soundtrack would have to open with Beyonce 'Single Ladies'. I remember dancing to it in a club when it first come out and being really aware that as someone's girlfriend, I couldn't 'put my hands up'. I felt left out and really wanted to, so I did a sneaky little half 'woo' with my hands. Maybe I should call this a blessing in disguise. I no longer have to feel excluded. I am a single lady. Shame they don't really play that song so much anymore!

My soundtrack continually changes depending on my mood or my day. What I do know for certain though, is my soundtrack is far more varied and exciting than it would have been had my life continued on its 'blissful' course. Everything from rock to cheesy pop music is a refreshing break from the sickening lovey-dovey tunes that would have been on my CD. Life after love is proving to be varied and colourful. I think I like it!

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